Java Chick Order List

There will be a limited number of the rare Java day old chicks for sale this year. White, Black, or Auburn. The Java Chicken is on the American Livestock Breed Conservancy list as threatened,with less than 1000 breeding pairs,and 5000 birds in the world.
Not only are they a wonderful dual purpose bird, they are sweet spirited, and beautiful!
Email me now to be placed on the "Wait List" for the number of UNSEXED day old chicks you would like. I will have a very limited number this year, so act fast. I will contact you as the eggs are confirmed viable, then again as soon as the chicks hatch.
Pick up from the farm within 36 hours of hatch is required, as I do not ship chicks.
Black Java Chicks, unsexed-25.00 each
White Java Chicks, unsexed-30.00 each
Auburn Java Chicks, unsexed-40.00 each