Java Eggs Hatching and other things

Tomorrow I will NOT be at Whole Foods in Cary, NC. I have several family commitments and on top of that, a group of Java chicks hatching on Sunday. Several people will be picking up day old Java Chicks, so I have to get everything coordinated for the pick ups. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will all hatch! You just never know with hatching chicks. "Never count your chicks before they hatch" so true.

The gardens are looking great! 4 Fields of Heirloom Tomatoes (over 1000 plants in all!) , and long, long rows of all kinds of vegetables are greening up. I put in Big Kahuna White Hawaiian Ginger yesterday. It was already sprouting! I am eager to see how this does in NC. Today I added more Tromboncino Squash, White Acre Field Peas, Okra (my family just loves Okra) and Semonola Pumpkins. (I think this gardening thing is a addiction! really I do) Today I picked the first Snow Peas...delicious steamed and served over rich Risotto cooked with broth from roasting 2 fat Java cockerels (young roosters), and fresh smooth was a feast. I have these wonderful birds in the freezer, and I am very spoiled with the flavor and richness.

Oh yes, the Bees are making honey! Yesterday Don was here to check the hive...and there is honey! He had to add 2 Supers! I saw the cutest (yes, I said cutest) sight yesterday morning. 2 honeybees were sitting on the edge of livestock bucket that catches rainwater under the eaves of the little barn. They were sipping water! Amazing sight. I also saw one bee sipping water from a tiny hole in the side of the bucket. So interesting these gentle bees.


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