All that is Going On....Thomas is Always in the Shadows

Today Thomas was lurking, along the edge of the Hen House....looking for mice! The hens do not even acknowledge his presence. They act as if he is invisible. I think they are so accustom to him, they see him as part of the flock. Not sure about that, but seems that way to me. Calum has discovered that Thomas somehow finds mice, and loves to go along for the chase. What a SIGHT it is to see big, old Calum crouched down, just like Thomas watching for mice, or any movement under the chicken house. But, Calum weighing around 95 pounds, is not as graceful as Thomas in the chase. A funny, funny sight.

Today we potted up about 250 heirloom tomato plants for the back field. This field now has chickens in it, scratching, and pecking...getting the dirt ready! I will turn the hens into the opposite field sowed with oats, when we plant. The oat field is beautiful, and the hens will love eating all the green tender shoots. I have volunteers coming to help with tomato planting. What a job it is, with digging the holes, putting in compose, lime, and then staking each one. But with extra hands it will be a pleasure, and a time to visit. So plan to come out to help if you want "practice" planting tomatoes!

The beets, radishes, Sugar Snaps, corn, and a few potatoes are up. With the warmer weather they should "take off" in the next week. The Batchelor Buttons are almost waist high, and loaded with blue buds. The English Roses (cecille bruner) are covering the chicken house, and the back garden walkway arbor is heavy with pink buds. It will be a sight to see when they all bloom. The scent of roses drifts, like perfume. I plan to sow the Zinnias in rows this week, and put in the Basil. Ahhhh yes, the bee's will love it here......

The Harnett County Beekeepers came out this past weekend to install 2 hives! I am so excited about having honey! I will have Harnett County honey for sale this year, but next year it will be High Ground Farm honey! Love it!

It is a beautiful time deep in these Harnett County woods. Plan to come for a tour...I have been told it is like stepping back in time. Another friend said, "I felt like I had been in another country!" So plan to come out to see for yourself!


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